Thursday, August 6, 2009

SYTYCD Season 5 ep22

Any finally its here. The last performance show of the season. A season that probably wasn't as impressive as the previous 4 and didn't have that many personalities to get behind. Anyways, final 4 - Jeanine, Brandon, Evan and Kayla.

The show kicked off at the new venue - the Kodak theater. And it looked kind of awkward to see them all there, but still, the stage looked really good.

It all kicked of with a Wade Robson routine, which was somewhat not as good as his other routines that we are used to seeing. The jock/cheerleaders theme wasn't anything special. Here it is again for those that missed it

Once again the producers kept the same chronology for the show - group number, solo, couple number, etc.

With the group number out of the way we get to the solos. Brandon was at his usual standards and Evan did what he does every time. Kayla, when she does her solos, for some reason they lack passion or intensity and though they are technically good, they don't grab you at all. And we get to Jeanine. The girl has the best musicality of all them and here solos just make you watch. For me she had the best one of the night and if i had to pick someone to win this thing it would be her. Here is what she did last night:

So couples. Everyone danced with everyone and the finale was underwhelming. no hip-hop routine, a lot of jazz and broadway as well as ballroom. Only two of the routines were good enough for me - Jeanine and Kayla's contemporary piece by Mia Michaels and the Paso Doble by Brandon and Jeanine. The rest I could have done without. Didn't entice me at all to make it interesting to watch and would most likely not hit the rewind button to watch it again.
Here are the 2 good rouines which were worth for the final.

so, ladies and gentlemen. what did you think of this seasons finale? was it what you expected? are you waiting in anticipation for Season 6 to kick of in about a month? Which of this final 4 do you want to see crowned America's favourite dancer?
Just saw a new article at for some of the 15 great SYTYCD routines that they have had on the show, so be sure to check it out

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